Managing Users

Querying user information

list_users displays user emails and names in a Galaxy instance:

nebulizer list_users GALAXY
  • -l: returns extended information for each user (status, whether they are an admin user, disk usage and quota size and usage).
  • --status: filter list on user status, which can be one of active (the default), deleted (only list deleted users which haven’t been purged) or all (list all active, deleted, and purged users).
  • --sort: specify one or more fields to sort the output on; valid fields are email, disk_usage, quota, quota_usage. Multiple fields should be separated by commas (e.g. --sort=quota,disk_usage).
  • --name: filter list on user email (can include glob-style wildcards e.g. --name="*bloggs*").

Creating and deleting individual users

create_user makes a new user account:

nebulizer create_user GALAXY USER@DOMAIN [ PUBLIC_NAME ]

If PUBLIC_NAME is not supplied then one will be generated automatically from the email address.

  • -c: check if the account already exists
  • -p: supply password for the new account (otherwise Nebulizer will prompt for a password)

delete_user removes a user account:

nebulizer delete_user GALAXY USER@DOMAIN
  • --purge: purge the account as well as deleting (or purge an unpurged account which has been previously deleted)


Purging a user account overwrites the email and username for that account with random strings; it also marks the datasets and histories associated with that account as deleted. These data can then be removed from disk by running Galaxy’s clean-up scripts.

For information on the clean-up scripts see the Galaxy documentation at

Creating batches of users from a template name

create_batch_users makes a set of user accounts based on a template name:

nebulizer create_batch_users GALAXY TEMPLATE [START] END

The template email address should include a # symbol which acts as as a placeholder for an integer index, e.g.

The integer indices are generate from the range START...END (if START is not supplied then it is set to 1).

For example:

nebulizer create_batch_users 1 5

creates accounts:
  • -c: check if the accounts already exist
  • -p: supply password for the new accounts (otherwise Nebulizer will prompt for a password); the same password will be applied to all the new accounts

Creating user accounts from a file

create_users_from_file makes a set of user accounts using data from a file:

nebulizer create_users_from_file GALAXY USERS_FILE

USER_FILE is a tab-delimited file with the following fields on each line:


defining a new account.


Optionally public_name can be left out and will then be generated automatically.

  • -c: check if the accounts already exist